Wood Badge C3-312-14-2 Pre-course Meeting

What is Wood Badge? Why would a Scout Leader want to attend more training? What does one bring to six days of training? Will I know anyone? Why the heck, would I want to sleep in a canvas tent? I heard there are critters...what is that all about? Why do I need to talk to the Course Director or Scout Master, won't I meet him or her later? What kind of food will we eat? What on earth is a ticket, and how do I work it? Do I really need a six day training outdoor experience? I had a million questions, as I pulled into Beaumont Scout Reservation, and I was seeking answers! I knew that I wanted to learn, and find out why everyone says that Wood Badge would be life changing. Yes, I was early...yes, I was in the wrong building...yes, the training hadn't even started and I felt like a dummy! Once, I figured out that I needed to be at Svedrup Lodge and not the Emerson Center (Yes, Wood Badge has it's own building!) I was greeted warmly by our Council Advisor Fred Schaljo! ...