Blog Dare:73

Today's Prompt:    A vegetable I won't insist my children eat...

***I must warn you...I am a picky veggie person!***

A vegetable I won't insist my children eat, are many of the same vegetables I do not eat: asparagus, corn, squash, or canned peas. Sadly it is a texture thing, verse the taste or vegetable itself. I have eaten each of the mentioned "black listed," veggies in the last year; so that I set the example to my children. I know that every food, comes down to how it is prepared, cooked, and seasoned.

Thanks to Laura for the great picture.
 My disdain for asparagus comes from years of canned asparagus; it was limp, almost pickled in its own juices, and very mushy! The poor vegetable was served every thanksgiving, and would only be eaten by two people in our large family. As the other food was prepared, and at the final moment prior to the glorious Thanksgiving meal, the can of asparagus would be opened and the slimy contents slid out, a dash of salt and pepper, and then thrown into a quick pan to reheat. My parents always made us try everything once, especially veggies, and I will never forget the awful textures and taste of the annual can catastrophe. (I have learned that I can stomach grilled or steamed asparagus, but it still is not my favorite!)

Corn, you might be sweet, yellow, and one of Mike's favorite veggies...I just dislike you, for that I am sorry. I dislike the way you get caught in my teeth, and the fact that you hold little nutritional value, but mostly it is because you were served two or three times a week during my childhood. I grew to dislike you in ways that are not normal, and today I pick you out of chowder, pot pies, and veggie mixes. I am very sorry, that I do not like corn on the cob, when my dear husband sings your praises! (Also, might have something to do with canned corn...)

Squash is just something I do not enjoy, it has to do with the leather like skin, is mushy, and flavorless. I know it has been prepared many ways for me, but I just have yet to find a way to really enjoy it. (This is where I mention I love to bake zucchini bread...yes, I know it is a type of squash.) Peas must be fresh or frozen, baby peas...even better! Once again, the horrible veg-all canned veggies I was served, scared me for life!

The good news, it that I love other vegetables, that some people hate. I love: spinach, brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, onions, celery, artichokes, potatoes  and sweet potatoes. There are times where I would take a salad  or vegetable soup, over a huge meal. So, it isn't that I don't like veggies, I just have a few that I dislike!

I will never force my boys to eat anything they don't like, but I will enact the same policy as my parents had! If you put it on your plate you must try it! I want them to love food, and to sample everything they see on the table. They might not like something, but they will not be picky like me. So, I will suck it up, and try to eat the veggies I dislike, as I am a grown up and must set the example! (I can still secretly hate canned veggies, right?)

What veggies do you love? How do you get your children to try new foods? Does your family swear by any vegetable recipes?


  1. Yeah, I don't like canned veggies either! Fresh is so much better! ooh...and organic, the flavors are even more enhanced!


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