Blog Dare:103

Today's Prompt: Dear 10 year old self...

Dear 10 year old Jennifer,

Your parents just moved you to the boonies, there is a creek for you to play in, and there will be horses for you to ride. You will have horrific allergies, that will make your eyes swell, and you will always have a tissue tucked away somewhere as your nose will drip constantly, due to the alfalfa field that surrounds the new house you parents just built.

You will start a new school, and meet new girls that have zero in common with your last group of classmates. You will learn that you are "uncool," to these new girls because you are not a fan of New Kids on the Block. You will push fashion trends, and hair styles that make the new group leery of you. You will find that there are a set of rules in place that determine how cool you are, only if you play four square or tether ball. (You will suck at both!) The girl down the road, is Queen Bee, and naturally beautiful...but she will become one of your closest friends.

You will find that your source of entertainment will be reading, 4-H Club, riding horses, and falling madly in love with Doogie Howser, M.D. (Neil Patrick Harris) There will be lots of friends that live on your road, but you will have to walk a half mile to play at their houses. The neighbor boy will drive you nuts, but will become your closest ally in teaching you the ways to survive country living. You will learn how to catch crawdads in the creek, envy the girl down the road for riding her horse bare back, gather a bucket full of buckeyes, and learn that country music and Garth Brooks rule the airways. 

You will become pen pals with many old friends, and those you will meet at summer camp. You will love to check the mailbox daily, just hoping to find a letter! You will master the art of writing a letter to express the current events that surround you, and yet connect with the "outside" world. You will walk every day to the mail box, in between the daily chores you will some how forget to do, right up to the point of your parents coming home. Letter writing will be a great way for you to fall in love with writing your thoughts down on paper, even if it is to talk about boys.

Jenny, you will find your place in this new way of life. Believe it or not, you will fall in love with it! Just survive the fifth grade, and you will love every moment of the sixth grade! Hang in there, you will do great in the boonies, I know it is hard to believe. "City girl," your heart will be forever changed and you will miss the country that now surrounds you, enjoy it while you can.

(your 30 something year old self)

P.S. - The girl down the road, becomes Prom Queen, and stays that her any way!
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