Blog Dare:62

Today's Prompt:   Who is your inspiration?

There are many women who have inspired me, and I have gleaned so much from each one. I would love to say that I have a muse, or one go to person; but I am lucky enough to have so many loved ones and friends. There are many ladies that have come, and gone...but each of them left a mark in my life.

  • My Mom - She inspires me daily to be more than I ever thought possible. As I was growing up she taught me to be more, want more, and aspire to achieve my goals. No matter the goal, if you want it...make it happen.
  • My Grandma Coleman - Since I can remember, my grandmother has been grounded in her faith. She connects with people on a level, that is inspiring and beyond awe. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make a new friend! You never know how you might change someones day for the better.
  • My Grandma Wehmer - I will never forget our bedside chats. She once asked if I knew she had a secret stash of candy? She told me that just about everyone knew she loved chocolate, but she asked if I knew that she bought her own box of chocolates and tucked it away just for herself. A woman who had 12 children, knew the value of finding the one thing that was yours alone. She has inspired me to always know that taking time for yourself is very important. (Tucking chocolate way is a good idea too...)
  • My Grandma Lee - She is a woman who is the master of grilled cheese, carrot cake, and sewing. She inspired me to love the time you have together. If it is 15 minutes, then make that time count, don't talk about the weather or the news, but ask questions. Don't be afraid to invite someone over for lunch, as it might be the best meal they have had all week. It doesn't matter if it is grilled cheese and tomato soup, but that you took the time to chat and really value the time together.
  • My Mother in Law - Linda, has inspired me to always bring old fashioned values into our home. A very modern woman, yet she has a very old soul! I love that she still cooks huge meals every Sunday, irons all of the clothes she washes, and crochets stunning doilies. She inspires me to be the "un-martha," by trying new recipes from scratch, or to host a holiday meal.
  • Patricia Shortt - Before my mentor passed away, she once asked me why I thought she hung the moon. What made her any more special than any one else in the group. I told her I loved her honesty, she wasn't afraid to tell you the truth. She also could wear the finest ball gown, but wasn't afraid to dig in the dirt to get her hands dirty. Pat inspired me to always be graceful, no matter the environment.
  • Rebbeca Mendenall - My 7th grade English teacher, had a new hair color every month to match the seasons or holiday. She wasn't afraid of the looks, or stares. If she wanted purple streaks in her hair to support the football team, she did it. If it was Halloween she would frame her face in orange and black, stripes just because she wanted to! At her memorial service, they handed out clip on hair streaks in neon colors, it was held in the school gym, hundreds of people wore them to love and support her memory and wild hair! If I gain half of her courage and spunk, she has inspired me to never worry about what people think, to love every fiber of myself, and to think out of the box!

Mrs. Mendenall and Jennifer, 1992
(Note Mrs. Mende's rocking BLUE hair, not my horrible mile high 90's hair!)
These amazing women are my inspiration to be a better person, mother, wife, sister, and friend. Each taught me a different lesson, value or moral, and I am forever changed because of them! Inspiration doesn't come from one person, but lots of amazing ladies who have instilled in me what matters! Life is about achieving goals, friendship, treating yourself once in awhile, remembering who you are, and loving yourself as well as those who mean the most to you. These women are my foundation and inspiration!


  1. Sounds like such a varied group of strong women:) Glad you have them.
    Jill from the blog dare hop

  2. You are so lucky to have had so many people influence and inspire you!


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